For Businesses

Childcare for companies


The establishment of a company child care offers considerable advantages for you as a company as well as for your employees. To this end, we work in harmony with your corporate philosophy and jointly design optimal cooperation models for the childcare of your workforce.



Our Expertise


With our pedagogical and entrepreneurial expert staff, we accompany you from the idea to the implementation of company childcare. We are there for you from the initial consultation, through the company-specific needs analysis, the concrete conception, to the operation of the childcare.

Easier than you think


As the Vielfalt Group, we can support your company in your efforts to set up company childcare. To learn more about our wide range of services, please scroll on.



Advantages of company childcare

Our experience shows that companies located in structurally weak regions in particular increase their attractiveness to employees by offering a company kindergarten. Since they offer a unique selling point, you make an active contribution to the compatibility of work and family. The orientation of your company as a family-friendly company not only serves the satisfaction of your employees, but also distinguishes you in your competitiveness.

For more and more young mothers and fathers, the compatibility of family and career is becoming a more important factor when choosing an employer.

A company kindergarten solves many everyday and practical problems of young families, so that the satisfaction of family-conscious employees increases significantly. This also has the effect of retaining qualified employees for the long term and reducing fluctuations in the workforce.

This gives companies an employee base that is satisfied, stable and well-balanced and identifies strongly with the company. In the long term, this has a lasting effect on the working atmosphere and the productivity of your employees. It also reduces family-related absenteeism, parental leave, and bridging and reintegration periods for employees. You also pursue the following overriding goals through company childcare: As this makes it easier for women to return to work and no longer forces them to choose between family and career, it leads to more equal opportunities on the labor market and thus actively supports equality between men and women in society as a whole.

Cooperation models

Not every company kindergarten is the same. In order to meet your individual needs and environmental conditions, we offer different models of company childcare:

Company-owned or company-affiliated kindergarten:

The company-owned kindergarten is owned by the company and is set up in cooperation with us as a non-profit provider, while the company-near kindergarten is set up together with the local authority and is located in the local vicinity of the company. This model offers the highest degree of flexibility, supports your employees in your company and allows a high degree of influence on the pedagogical orientation and design of the facility. Experience has also shown that the image of the facility is enhanced and its attractiveness increased.


Company kindergarten in a network:

Especially if you run a small to medium-sized company, the company kindergarten in a network can be the optimal solution for you. Together with other companies in the area, a company kindergarten is set up that is physically attached to one of the participating companies. You benefit from the same advantages as with your own company kindergarten. In addition, investment and operating costs are shared among several partners.


Places in municipal kindergartens of the Diversity Group:

As a non-profit provider, we will be operating our own kindergarten at the Duisburg-Hamborn site from 2018 and are planning to set up further sites. It is therefore also possible to book a fixed contingent of childcare places that is kept free each year for employees of your company. The advantages for you are a fixed and limited cost framework and the possibility of offering places at different locations for your employees.


The most flexible solution is daycare by certified childminders, whom we can provide for you. The costs are significantly lower and the scope of care can be negotiated individually for each child in care.

Our services

"From the idea to the implementation".

Our services are characterized by the fact that we look after you from the first moment and accompany you in the long term. Our support is divided into three different stages:

From preparation to implementation to quality assurance and sustainability control.



First, we conduct a needs analysis for you and determine the care requirements and offerings in your environment and your company. In the next step, we look at the legal and regulatory framework and review possible funding opportunities from private or municipal institutions. Together with you and, if applicable, the future parents of the company daycare center, we develop a concept that takes into account and implements your special educational requirements and orientations. In doing so, we also take into account individual needs depending on the nature of your company (shift work, no fixed vacation times, etc.).


In further fine-tuning, this concept is transformed into an individual house concept, including entrepreneurial and pedagogical concepts, for you and gradually implemented methodically. Pedagogical specialists as well as business economists will collaborate on this work and contribute their expertise. The project planning, which includes time planning, cost calculation and cooperation agreements with possible partners, will also be done by us. From that point until the opening of the KiTa, we take over the management and implementation for you - after coordination - step by step.

Quality assurance and sustainability control:

As a diversity group, we are thus also the cooperating sponsor for your facility, making our expertise and network available. Once the kindergarten is up and running, our active services do not cease.

Rather, we ensure the long-term satisfaction of children, parents and your company with regular quality assurance and sustainability control.

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